Hopelessly Devoted
As long as I have sight, my eyes will always look to You
As long as I can think, my thoughts will glorify You
As long as it has beats, my heart will meditate on Your words
As long as I have a soul, it will be captivated by Your beauty
As long as I have breath, I will worship You
As long as I have hands, I will lift them in praise to You only
As long as I have feet, I will run to You
As long as I have life, I will remain in Your presence
As long as I am thirsty, I will drink from Your well
As long as I am hungry, I will taste and see that You are good
When You speak, I will catch Your breath
When I am tired, I will rest in Your grace
When I am disobedient, I will draw from Your mercy
When I am lost, I will follow the sound of Your voice
To my Adonai, eternally, I will be hopelessly devoted.