Episode 1b: Podcast, Writings, and Reasons
After years of contemplation, going back and forth and basically running from Gods nudges, I have finally decided to be obedient and start this podcast. One of my creative gifts from God is writing, God actually told me I was a scribe. He didn’t say I was a writer, but He specifically used the word scribe. For some background, I began writing at the age of 7. I’ve always had a very vivid imagination so I would write stories that I made up then graduated to poetry and other forms of creative writing as I grew and developed in my craft. The fact that God identified this particular gift He gave me was no surprise but the specific title and its descriptive quality certainly was. I have found that when God speaks to me, most of the time He will use language typically found in the Old Testament translated from the Hebrew language, which is the language He spoke to Israel in the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the actual Word of God where He spoke to His prophets and people. So because He never changes, this is how He speaks to me when He gives me a general word or description of something as in this case with the title of scribe. And because this is not a word people use today and certainly not a word I would use, I was compelled to look the word up. I wanted to do a thorough study of the word scribe to find out exactly how it was used in the original language and how it relates to me. Basically, in an effort for me to know who I am in relation to this God given attribute.
I’ve been writing most of my life, and creative writing and poetry have always been my preferred method of literary expression. Creative writing utilizes the mind, imagination, rhythmic language and selective or specific words to express an idea. It is in my opinion a very abstract form of writing that doesn’t abide by traditional grammatical rules or sentence structure. Creative writing is more focused on emotion and feeling vs. facts, persuasion and details. Other writing styles include: narrative, expository, descriptive (which can include creative writing) and persuasive. I believe God uses the kind of language with me that corresponds with how He made me. The kind of language I’m most familiar with and that I’ll respond to. I believe this is how He speaks to each of us. He is a Creator speaking specifically to His individual creation based on how He made them because only He knows exactly what will resonate with His children. Just like as parents, we know how to approach our children and get them to respond based on their personalities. No parent can approach or use the same methods of communication with each of their children because they are all different, God is the same with us.
On the Sowing His Gifts podcast, I will audibly share selected posts, which I like to call journal entries, from my online creative journal, Sowing His Gifts. Much of what I read will be my personally written prayers and confessions also known as biblical affirmations or declarations. I have always had a strong appreciation for the gift and privilege of prayer. So much so that several years ago I began writing personal prayers based solely on scripture. One of my favorite topics of Bible study is the art of prayer, what it is and what it is not and the proper way to pray effectively. A few years ago I started posting my prayers on my creative ministry journal as a resource for Christian creatives and others who need guidance in their prayer life. Many people have been encouraged by reading them and I know listening to them through this podcast will be no less impactful. God has commissioned me to write these prayers utilizing a specific structure and style. He gave me instructions on how to construct these prayers the way He wants them to be delivered and prayed. The prayers I write are not my own words but are scripture based and 100% the Word of God but the words and meanings are broken down and expounded upon. I do this so that the reader will not only understand the deeper meaning of the concepts within the scripture passages used in the prayers, but also so they acquire a vivid understanding of what is being said. This method makes each prayer far more effective for the individual praying it.
In addition to audibly sharing my writing through journal entries and prayers, I will also share my personally written confessions and scripture declarations. God specifically wants me to provide this podcast as an alternative to reading the entries on my journal. He understands that some people would rather listen to this information while driving or doing things around the house. While others may simply not have the free time to sit and read the valuable information I will be presenting. The podcast, just like the written version of my journal entries, will be intriguing and filled with a great deal of information, guidance and new insight into creativity, prayer, and the Spirit of God.
By nature I AM NOT a talker. I prefer to communicate through the written word vs the spoken. I am very introverted and do not like attention and even prefer to text instead of talk on the phone. I don’t even like the sound of my voice, so this podcast is a HUGE step for me and definitely not something that is effortless and enjoyable for me as is designing and writing. But when God tells me to do something I do it, and I do it in His strength no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. God usually stretches us for His purposes to be carried out so I am being obedient to His will and not my own. With that said, please excuse any jumbled words, inflection inconsistencies, stuttering, etc. during my podcasts. I am COMPLETELY out of my element but I fully expect to get better with practice as God develops me in this new area.