Episode 01: The Art Of Reflection

Today during my studio time while working on a new crocheted project, I quietly reflected on Ezekiel 16. I read it before starting my work and then listened to it through an audio Bible during my work. With every stitch, I examined its meaning and thought about God’s passion for Israel. I reflected on my Fathers's love for me. I intentionally tried to wrap my head around a love so great that would result in the sacrificial offering of His own Son on my behalf. Row by row, upon its completion, I asked the Father all the questions I had regarding this passage. How He felt about me in relation to Israel. I asked Him about all the times He has washed me thoroughly and made me His own. “Remind me, Father, of the times when You clothed me with embroidered work, girded me about with fine linen, and covered me with silk. Lord, what does a silk covering look like in my life? Father, what can I create for You from silk in worship and appreciation of Your Hand of favor on my life.” I implored Him to give me visions of how He spread His garment over me and “covered my nakedness” in recent times. “When I was exposed and vulnerable, Father You kept me from shame, remind my heart of Your mighty protection and jealousy for me (2 Corinthians 11:2). How You made me Your own because sometimes I forget that I belong to You. I lose sight of just how special I am because I’m Your beloved.”

With every color change of yarn, He speaks softly to my heart. Through the transition of each stitch, He whispers to my soul. Revealing the alwaysness of His faithfulness. His ceaseless incessant care for me, “a mere person, who am I that You are mindful of me?” Me, His beloved chosen daughter in a vessel of worship, a temple of glory for His honor. As I gaze upon the colors I have carefully selected for this piece, I realize it was His doing. He chose every color and orchestrated every stitch. He is designing this piece right before my eyes as He guides my hand, which holds the tools that create His work. He’s speaking to me and answering all the questions my heart is contemplating as the hook slides through each loop and forms each new knot. With every stitch, He serenades me with His Word and brings back to my remembrance thoughts of when He sovereignly protected me from things I could not see. How His loving arms enveloped me when I felt alone and fear was my only companion. I recalled by His divine power the flood of peace I felt in those moments as He washed me with the water of His Word. This beautiful moment, a serene portrayal of reflection while I create a piece that will ultimately reflect His image. 

This moment gives me direct access to the heart of my Elohim. Considering my active engagement in creativity and expression of the gift He gave me for His pleasure. Visions emerge and memories materialize as He supernaturally gives me all I ask for. I end my time creating replenished and whole, revitalized and renewed. Notwithstanding the rich treasure of this moment, I have to move on with other obligations in front of me today. So, I leave this time with immense revelation. Though to maintain the continuum of this dialogical exchange, I shift from designer to scribe and construct a prayer directly from this passage of scripture. Thus my mediation upon its structure and meaning becomes deeper and I leave this time with understanding.

Natisha Waukii

Accessories designer and artist for NyaMani Designs


Episode 1b: Podcast, Writings, and Reasons