Scripturally Based Prayers

It is essential and powerful to return God’s word to Him as scripture admonishes us. God said His word will not return to Him void and to put Him in remembrance of His word. This act is more about us recalling His word and reminding ourselves of what He said than it is about reminding Him. After all, He is God and has certainly not forgotten His words, even if we do.

Prayer is an integral part of my life and walk with God. It is through constant prayer that I receive profound revelation and direction. This constant communication with God is something that I cannot neglect in my daily life and relationship with Him. When I write and develop prayers based on the word, I am assured that I am speaking and returning God’s word to Him. I am praying His word and only His word. My prayers are focused and specific when I pray this way, and I make sure I have all bases covered. No prayer point is missed, and I am assured that His word will not return to Him void because it is only His word I am praying. Mornings are when I spend the most time before God when I meet Him with my cup of coffee or tea and spend time with Him one-on-one. These are special moments for me, my quiet time with Jesus. During these times, I am free to pour out my heart in prayer and conversation. It is also during these moments that I feel His presence the strongest.

The word tells us that angels hearken to the voice of the word of God. This means that when we pray or speak God’s word out loud, the sound carries in the spirit realm, and angles are moved by it. Other times throughout the day, when I pray, I pray about whatever is in my heart. I don’t utilize a specific pattern or structure. I’m not necessarily praying scripture word for word but my own words to my Father. He hears these prayers, too; they are just as precious to Him. I make the distinction because there is simply a different degree of power and authority when specifically praying His word. A summation of His word coupled with my own words is not praying His word and is not as powerful. These prayers are more tender and innocent or childlike. I pray this way when my heart is heavy or burdened. During those times when I just needed to crawl in my Father’s lap, lay in His loving arms, and pour out my heart to only Him, These humble heart-postured prayers delight Him no less. He lovingly accepts these prayers and loves for us to approach Him this way.

Though when I have to war in the spirit when I am facing a physical challenge or discern demonic activity around me or need to “travail” in prayer, I pray only His word. This is our secret, strategic weapon to fight the enemy. Our words do not move satan; the only thing that frightens him is the name of Jesus. That’s where the real power is, in Jesus’ name. I’m not afraid of the enemy, but I know he fears me, not the power I bring when I pray. I know God’s word is a weapon, and I use it strategically, confidently, and with the authority given to me by Christ Himself. It is God satan fears; I only intimidate him because he knows I know how to use my weapons of warfare. Prayer is the foundation of my walk, the catalyst for my growth, and my weapon in battle.

Our words are powerfully creative weapons against the enemy but can also give him access to our soul. God spoke the world into existence; things change when we voice His word. The enemy only knows how to fight against us when we tell him how. We tell him how when we speak and voice our deficits and fears. When we complain, argue, and are negative with our words, the enemy is taking notes, strategizing how to use every word we speak against us. We give him the legal right to harass us when we give him an open door with our words. Essentially, we curse ourselves and/or others when we speak negatively. We can speak death or life over ourselves, which are both in the power of our tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Our words are a gateway for the demonic to operate just as our ears and eyes are. Demons enter through these gateways and gain access to our souls/hearts. This is why the Bible admonishes us to guard our hearts diligently. It is our job to deny satan access to us and to resist his advances and ability to harass us. He has to flee from us when we do, as the word tells us in James 4.

The power God has allowed our words to have is effortless to understand when you’ve had personal experiences in this area. I have seen Proverbs 18:21 in such strong operation in my life on numerous occasions. For example, if I have watched something like a movie or listened to music that does not align with God, then I will feel its effects. I will feel great fear or uneasiness in my heart, or my sleep will not be as rested and peaceful as usual. In these times, I realized that I had to check what I was allowing into my heart through my eye-gate or ear-gate, and it’s always easy to pinpoint. After knowing what doors I left open to the enemy, I renounce my involvement and get out of alignment with the spirit behind that particular movie or music I listened to. The spirits flee, I regain my authority, and all is well again; it’s really that simple. It’s not hard to disarm the devil. We have authority over him (Luke 10) and have been given the right to use our authority against him when needed. Once God taught me about the power of my words, I became more aware of how I was using my voice. I started to pay close attention to what I was speaking, listening to, and watching. Then, I studied and learned about the various entryways the enemy uses. I began to put into practice everything I learned and began experiencing less and less fear, unbelief, doubt, and despair. I got more assertive in my walk and more careful about what I consumed audibly and visually, resulting in more peace and joy. It’s that simple.

Scripture teaches us that God teaches our hands to war and fingers to fight (Psalms 18, Psalms 144). Our responsibility is to leave behind the things of this world and our indulgence in them and decide to allow Him to train us. This all starts with how we use our voices, put a guard over our mouths, and filter our speech through the Word. This gives the enemy less to work with when fighting against us. Watching our words is one way we render him powerless. However, he can read our countenance even if we watch our words. He can’t read our minds and can't hear our thoughts but can discern what is going on with us through our disposition. We know when someone is distressed just by looking at them or seeing them cry. They don’t have to say anything, but we know something is off by their body language, and it’s the same with the devil. He can sense it like a dog senses fear, but our words can override this. So even if there is despair within you, your words actively taking authority over it will cancel out any attempt he will use to work against you.

Feel free to use the prayers I have written and posted in this journal whenever needed. Pray them during quiet times with the Father or when you need specific, targeted strategies and answers. Couple them with fasting and praying in the spirit (tongues), which will amp up the power and effectiveness. I incorporate fasting regularly, and there is no doubt fasting and prayer have been the conduit for a great deal of revelation and direction in my life; they are so incredibly powerful. It’s the perfect armor and will equip you to walk in any assignment God has for your life.

Natisha Waukii

Accessories designer and artist for NyaMani Designs

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