You're Unique

You Will Turn Heads!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your very own personal accessories stylist?

Well, I’m here for you, your personal accessories designer and styling consultant who can help remove your fear of standing out. You know how when you see that extraordinary statement necklace or pair of earrings and your inner introvert whispers in your ear “you could never wear that and pull it off”? And you know that style savvy friend that loudly affirms “girl, yes you can and I’ll show you how!” Well, I’m her. I’m that friend!

I’m here for all the introverted, self proclaimed “plain janes” out there who believed the lie that they do not have the face, or complexion, or eyes, or personality, or hairline or whatever other silly limitations thrown on you to wear a certain accessory and make a confident and bold statement while doing so. I got you and I assure you you CAN rock that ultra glam pair of earrings with confidence and not be afraid of the attention you are sure to get. There is a way to do this and you can customize it to your own personal style, I’ll show you how. I don’t design according to “fashion rules” or trends. I give you the freedom to wear what you want, how you want according to your own rules. My job is to show you how to work with what you have to style your NMD piece the way it was designed to be worn. You write your own script using the tools I will teach you to make others adapt to your idea of style. No one can determine that for you but you. Your inner fashionista is yearning to breakout and finally be front and center, ready for you to define her expression. The best part is you don’t have to spend top dollar on fashion trends set by celebs and the fashion industry to stand out. You can take the most simple outfit like a pair of jeans and a white tank or v-neck and pair it with your personalized NMD accessory. This seemingly simple jewelry addition will shift that simple outfit from ordinary to extraordinary, instantly. You can literally make a statement without saying a word. I will teach you how and hold your hand and heart through the entire process. Book your consultation today and we’ll chat. I’ve been there, I too am an introvert who had to dig deep to become comfortable with standing out in fashion. I learned how to leverage that and created the perfect way for an imperfect introvert to express herself through art and fashion accessories, the quietest yell you will ever express.