Crystal Reflections


How It Began

Crystal Reflections came about through inspiration by God in a series of visions and instructions over the span of 4 years. I have always had a special place in my heart for hurting people, the voiceless, forgotten and damaged among us. To strengthen and encourage others is just one of the many ways I choose to use the gifts God has given me and simply a part of how He made me.

I created my first plaque and card set after a teenage neighbor of mine was tragically hit by a car and killed while on his skateboard one November night in 2006. The Lord inspired me to make a plaque for the family to display in their home in memory of their son Paul. He provided me with the entire design of the plaque down to the scripture to put on it and the colors. As it turned out, these were the exact colors and scripture chosen by the family when planning for his service. I learned this when I attended the funeral, the day after I gave Paul's mother the plaque and to my surprise, upon walking into the church the plaque was beautifully displayed, front and center surrounded by pictures of Paul.

I was honored that they saw fit to display the plaque in such a beautiful way and share it with others. I felt humbled by their appreciation and was pleased to have played a small part in adding a touch of beauty to such a tragic and somber day. After this event and experiencing Paul's mothers speechless reaction when she saw the plaque accompanied by tears and awe, I knew that God would use this gift to bless the lives of many people, which He has done. I could not imagine what it feels like to loose a child and how desperately a parent would want to keep their memory alive.

I have witnessed over the years how healing and comforting it can be to have a loved one memorialized in this way. To have a beautiful display of love, a gift directly from the Father. A treasure to own and an extraordinary display of a lost loved ones name in lights, forever illuminated through the brilliance of crystal. In person, these plaques and scripture cards are truly a sight to behold. Though powerless by themselves, my plaques and cards are directly inspired by the mind of Christ to bring comfort and emotional healing to the recipient. This has been expressed to me time and time again from those who have received one and I am humbled and honored every time I hear this testimony. One mother tells me as often as she's able through social media that she looks at her plaque every day, a mother who lost her baby at only 4 months old due to a heart defect. God has anointed my hands to make these special works of art and I humbly create them for His glory. With these plaques I am also blessed to serve others and minister to hurting hearts all over the world.